Releasing dvj's Source Code

Perhaps the most important part of my Beat Research show was neither the audio nor the video, but instead the software.

For a decade, I've been working on a DJ + VJ program called "dvj". In short, it gives the user a pair of video-linked turntables: Scratching with a MIDI controller scratches both the audio and video. This is the only program I use at my shows, and I'm quite happy with it.

On Jan 19th, at Beat Research, I released dvj's source code for the first time, under the terms of the GPLv3. By the end of the month, I'll upload the source to dvj's Google Code page:


It's been tested on like three different linux machines, so the audience for this code is currently developers, not users. All my subsequent development efforts will be to get this program to the point where anyone can use it easily.

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