HOWTO: Burning A Gapless Audio CD With A Data Track, In Linux

I had a pretty miserable time getting this to work.

Many of the popular CD burning applications, like k3b, advertise being able to burn so-called CD-Extra CDs, but none of them actually work. Some forget the data track. Others forget the gapless part.

Here's how you do it:

1) Convert your audio files to CD-quality .wavs

2) Make a tracklist.toc file
If your wavs happen to be named 01.wav and 02.wav, then your tracklist.toc would look like this:

// tracklist.toc

AUDIOFILE "01.wav" 0

AUDIOFILE "02.wav" 0

3) Burn the gapless audio tracks in multisession mode
cdrdao write --multi -n tracklist.toc

4) Make a datatrack.iso of your data
If you have one file, dvj.tar.gz, then, with the half-burned CD still in the shut drive, the proper command is:
mkisofs -J -r -V "dvj source code" -C `cdrecord -msinfo` -o datatrack.iso dvj.tar.gz

5) Burn datatrack.iso after the audio, and close the CD
cdrecord -v -eject release.iso


Unknown said...

Haha! Been looking for a quick explanation on this one. Thanks Chris.

Adjibadja said...

Hello and thank you for this!
Could you please clarify step 4 : "If you have one file, dvj.tar.gz".
How do I get/make this file?

interim_descriptor said...

Substitute “dvj.tar.gz” with the name of the file you want to burn to a data track.

This guide is over a decade old, so no promises it still works. But it probably does? Please leave a comment with your results, if you try!